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For all the Queens out there!

Look at you, with you head down and tears welling up in your eyes. Where is that smile you once had? The one that would light up the whole room. 

Why does there seem to be an emptiness in your eyes and restlessness in your soul? Was it him again? Did he make you feel like you weren’t good enough? That you were not capable of being loved? Did he make you seem like you ask for too much only because you love him and see a life with him ahead?

It is not worth it darling, he is not worth it. He never loved you, he only loved the idea of you. You don’t hurt the people you love, you don’t destroy them. You don’t make them feel like they are not a priority and treat them like an option. It is never too late to step out of something that doesn’t serve you anymore. 

Why waste your energy over somebody who would not make half the effort for you like you did for him? Every time he needed something, you cut your throat to make sure he had everything he wished. You killed your own desires to make sure you fulfil his dreams. All those sleepless nights you spent only so you could take care of him so he sleeps with ease. 

Did he ever value you? Did he ever ONCE say that he is thankful or showed any kind of compassion? 

Keep your head up Queen, this is reminder that he doesn’t and will never know your worth but the one who should know, is you. 

Never fall below your standards and down to the level of these individuals, only to accommodate those that are nowhere close to your calibre. 

Until next time. 

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