FHM Pakistan

Foods words you’re probably pronouncing wrong

People misunderstood words and phrases all the time. This maybe because of poor hearing or comprehension.

But we’re here to tell you once and for all that you’ve been pronouncing like everything wrong, here are some of the most common food words you are probably pronouncing wrong!


Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong

Wrong: Ja-la-peh-noh

Right: Hah-la-peh-nyoh


Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong

Wrong: Tor-til-las

Right: Tohr-tee-yahs


Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong

Wrong: Car-mel

Right: Kar-ah-mehl

Worcestershire Sauce

Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong

Wrong: Wore-chester-shire

Right: WOOS-tuh-shure


Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong


Right: HOOM-us


Foods words you're probably pronouncing wrong

Wrong: Ex-press-oh

Right: ESS-press-oh

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