FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Follow these amazing tips to wake up to positive & happy mornings

1. Drink a glass of water. This will boost your metabolism and activate your internal organs. You can add lemon and honey or simply drink warm water as a detox.

Follow these amazing tips to wake up to positive & happy mornings

2. Don’t snooze your alarm. Snoozing the alarm will add to your lethargy. It is best to get out of bed as soon as your alarm calls out to you.

Follow these amazing tips to wake up to positive & happy mornings

3. Make it a habit to clean your room and bed. A messed up room results in a messed up mind.

Follow these amazing tips to wake up to positive & happy mornings

4. Practice to stretch your body or do crunches or just a simple jog/walk. This will assist in an increased blood circulation and fresh oxygen supply into the lungs.

Follow these amazing tips to wake up to positive & happy mornings

5. Do not pick up your phone to check social media and emails as soon as you get up. Technology can impact your energy levels and mind in a negative way and you will realise it after you’ve given up the habit of being sucked into your phone in the mornings.

6. Never skip your breakfast that will energize you for the day.

7. Last but not least, be grateful for what you have. Think of at least five things you are grateful for and you will find yourself gearing up for a happy day ahead.

Keep smiling and have a happy morning always.

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