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Five reasons why #CocomoMujheBhiDo is our new jam 

Bisconni always comes up with interesting and catchy TVCs and jingles that get stuck in our head and that we remember. This time too, the new Cocomo features a fun jingle with a rap element sung by Asim Azhar. We are totally obsessed and here’s five reasons why the new #CocomoMujheBhiDou ad is our new jam:

1. It has a fun and vibrant TVC 

The new TVC is very visually pleasing with interesting scenarios of people enjoying Bisconni Cocomo. People of all ages are shown enjoying Cocomo since it is a snack that appeals to everyone and one line remains constant throughout which is #CocomoMujheBhiDou. The new ad features the singer AsimAzhar himself as he takes us on a trip down memory lane. 

2. It is sung by Asim Azhar

Asim Azhar has become a singing sensation nowadays because of his brilliant music and singing skills. The talented actor has once again lent his voice to #CocomoMujheBhiDou after years. The original song was also sung by him in the 90’s when he was just 10 years old and now the singer has come back with a new version of the song. He has given the jingle a new twist adding a rap element to it which makes it stand out. It’s a treat to hear the OG Cocomo mujhe bhi dou singer come back and sing a new version after years.

3. It reminds us of our favorite childhood memory

The TVC features our childhood memories, like playing video games with friends, playing outside and sharing Cocomoafterwards, and having Cocomo with friends on small get together. Showing us all these happy places in which we enjoyed Cocomo makes us nostalgic. The jingle has stayed with us since our childhoods and so has Cocomo. 

4. It is fun singing along to its catchy jingle

By revamping the old jingle into a catchier tune, Cocomo made it a fun experience for its consumers to not just consume the product but also have fun while doing it. They have given the latest version a new twist that is pleasing to the ears and the mind. The latest version gives us something new to hum along to but at the same time, the tagline #CocomoMujheBhiDoremains constant.

5. It is our favorite snack of all times

Ever since Cocomo was introduced during our childhood, it is one of the most all-time favorite snacks. Cocomo’s center filled chocolaty goodness is something that we love. The original chocolate flavor has remained a favorite throughout the years in the mini 5 Rs. packaging it comes in and now that they’ve also introduced different flavors and sizeslike the new 25 Rs pack, the joy of having Cocomo has doubled and no one can resist themselves from saying Cocomo Mujhey Bhi Do! 

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