FHM Pakistan

Five major causes of hair fall

Now a days hair fall has become one of the most common problem for both women and men. They are not just thin they are actually shedding and this is due to the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, stress, poor diet and what not. Well it’s still not too late to save your strands and your head from getting bald.

Avoid these five habits that can make your hair fall

Stop using hot styling tools

Five major causes of hair fall

Straighteners, curlers and even blow dryers damage the protein that form hair as well the protective cuticle that surrounds it.

Taking hot showers

Five major causes of hair fall

Our scalp and hair have delicate balance that keep them healthy, so hot water strips away our skins natural defense against dryness.

Being constantly stressed

Five major causes of hair fall

Hair loss that take that place due to stress is temporary and normal hair growth is restored soon after the stress is relieved

Too much of sun exposure

Five major causes of hair fall

Your hair cannot get sunburn, but it can harm it as sun’s ultra-violet A and B ray damage your hair from cuticle to its inner structure.

Backcombing/ Teasing

Five major causes of hair fall

Reckless teasing can result in rat’s nest and eventually causes the hair fiber to break or become loose.

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