FHM Pakistan
Fashion & Lifestyle

Facial Rollers, talk of the town..

You may have heard about facial rollers, they are the hot trending beauty tools in the market. Facial rollers are basically everywhere right now.

Whether they’re made of jade or rose quartz or some other fashionably coloured crystal, this beauty tool is far more attractive than any cosmetic tool right now, its famous among celebrities.

If you’re contemplating adding one of these facial rollers to your daily skin care routine, here’s what you need to know.

According to my research, it qualifies as an ancient Chinese secret, well I don’t know much about Chinese so. Beauty guru’s believe that the Chinese believe jade draws out negative presence. It also claims to reducing puffiness, helping the appearance of under-eye circles and eye bags, increasing blood circulation, smoothing wrinkles, and easing pain.

But why is everyone swearing upon it, the popularity of this tool is pretty insane to be believed.

First, jade rollers just feels good. The jade stone is naturally cool, and the roller makes it easy to apply gentle pressure all over the face. It’s also a pretty, visual reminder to stop and treat yourself to a mini massage. After days or weeks of using it, nearly everyone reports that it decreases their puffiness in the morning, and there’s a real reason for those results.

According to a certified dermatologist, “Sometimes, you wake up, and your face is a little swollen, and your eyes are a little full. The roller could help move some of that lymphatic fluid and remove some of the inflammation or swelling.”

Lymph fluid is what carries white blood cells and other immune system molecules to areas of distress in the body, and that’s where you may see swelling. When those cells have finished their work, the fluid drains away toward the lymph nodes, which filter out the bad stuff and then send the fluid back into the bloodstream.

The many bloggers singing the praises of facial rollers also say they feel like the device helps their lotions, serums, and masks penetrate the skin. At the very least, massage does increase blood circulation, so it’s possible that massaging makes it easier for the skin to soak up any product.

If you’re using any kind of facial roller at home, you should clean it after each use the last thing you want is to reintroduce dirt and bacteria to that glowing face of yours.

If you believe that paying the extra cash for a rose quartz facial roller will get you better results, it actually might. Stones like jade and quartz do remain quite cold especially if you keep your roller in the fridge or freezer and cold is something which helps with inflammation and redness.

Facial rollers, facial cupping and even hand massage, I think all of them work well, whichever tool you choose to use. Most times it’s not about the tool, it’s about your technique and how to properly open and drain using the lymphatic system.

So I think, its not any pretty special product. Yes stones have qualities but it does not mean everything works 100% , so it depends upon your personal choice.

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