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F.L.Y – First Love Yourself

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”. 

What is self love you ask? 

A bunch of skin care routines with an exaggerated shopping spree? Expensive manicures and trips to the spa? A 10 day vacation to a picturesque destination or a day sipping on Lavender tea and reading books?

I don’t think so. 

As much as i’d like to admit that pampering yourself does fall under the category of self love; the concept is often misunderstood. 

Self love originates from addressing and accounting for all the things you engage in which serve no purpose in your life. It means eliminating habits or people that impact our mental health or become a hindrance in our personal journey of growth. 

It means being kind to yourself when the world isn’t. Forgiving yourself when guilt overtakes your mind. Making hard decisions for yourself to let go of things that bring you pain. 

Self love is all about embracing your emotions, crying it out, feeling the pain and shedding off all that negative energy only to walk out as a new person who wears her scars proudly but does let them define her. 

It is being gentle with yourself and learning to accept help. Admitting when you’re wrong and not punishing yourself over it. It is simply respecting your mind, space and body and and treating it with care. 

What’s your version of self love?

Until next time. 

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