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Everything We Know About “Fantastic Beasts 3”

We are so excited to hear about the upcoming fantastic beast movie, our inner muggle is ready to rock and roll. The story follows Newt Scamander and his friends as they try to save the world with the help of the Macusa and figure out a way to stop Grindelwald from destroying everything they hold most dear.

The end of the second movie found Grindelwald escaping from the battle as he gains some new members on his team, including some of Newt’s closest allies. As Newt’s team starts to find a way to take down Grindelwald, it’s also revealed that Credence Barebone is Dumbledore’s long-lost brother and that Dumbledore has a secret pact with Grindelwald that keeps him from being able to defeat him.

What will happen next in upcoming movie ? And what kind of other challenges and fantastic beasts will they run into?

While fans have already been waiting quite a while for the third film to come out, they’re going to have to wait a little bit longer. Fantastic Beasts 3 is currently set to be released November 12, 2021.

The third film will follow Newt, Dumbledore, and their friends as they try to defeat Grindelwald before the wizard world is exposed to muggles all over the world. While Dumbledore is likely the only one who can defeat him, his pact with Grindelwald prevents him from being able to do so, causing him and Newt to come up with a way to break the pact to take him down.

Despite the fact that the second film killed it at the box office, production on Fantastic Beasts 3 has been delayed and won’t start until spring 2020.

JK Rowling said in a interview, that the entire series will be made up of 5 films, so don’t worry you are here for a long treat.

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