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Ever wonder why your hair is so dry?

Product buildup can be a major issue depending on your hair type and routine. Low porosity hair can be more prone to build up as the strands tend to be less permeable and absorb less product. Cowashing and non-sulfate shampoos may not fully remove products.

This is especially of concern if you use silicones, especially those that aren’t water soluble, or if you use heavy oils and butters. Infrequent cleansing can also contribute. The film of product coating your strands reduces the amount of water that penetrates your hair.

Our scalps make less sebum {oil} than our non-black counterparts, and on top of that {pun intended}, our loopdyloop curls make it hard for that sebum to distribute itself down the hair shaft. By the way, this is also part of why our hair isn’t as shiny. It’s hard out “hair”.

Wash less, less shampoo means more moisture. Although not washing as often makes some hair feel oily, most of us have discovered dry shampoo and how it allows us to skip a shower or two. But in the winter, it can live up to its name a little too literally and dry hair out. In this case, Weinberg suggests combing the dry shampoo in from the root of your hair to about an inch down. This will help pick up any product build-up that may be causing dryness. Then lather the ends in oil: The drier and thicker the hair, the more oil it will take.

Splurge on a boar bristle brush. Not only will it feel good on your scalp, it’s great for circulation and can breathe new life into limp and dry hair. Give a good brush through at night before you go to sleep and one in the morning and your hair will look and feel moisturized.

Get a clear gloss. If your hair is looking as drab as the weather, a clear gloss will add instant shine. Book one with your next blow out or trim. It will seal moisture in the cuticle of your hair and extend the life of your current color.

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