FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Eight natural juices to help beat the heat

Who doesn’t want to look good and refreshing this hot summer?Feeling the heat getting on to us in every possible way, especially in the humid months of June, July and August, one has to figure out a way to beat it out.

So, here are eight popular beverages which are highly refreshing and great for beating the heat.

Mango Juice

The “King of Fruits” can be either eaten as a delicious dessert or be used as a beverage. The fruit is healthy for the eyes and prevents the skin from aging. It also maintains blood pressure.

MangoWatermelon Juice

It keeps the body cool and also improves blood flow. It comes with Lycophene, which is beneficial for the heart, skin and helps in preventing cancer. It is also rich in Vitamin C and contains potassium and magnesium.

Watermelon-JuicePineapple Juice

Pineapple is rich in fibre along with many minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorous and manganese. It has high contents of Vitamin C and the fruit is highly beneficial for the human body.


A glass of ice cold lemonade is great for the body. The fruit is rich in Vitamin C and it not only fights off fatigue but helps treat inflammation and strengthen our immune system.

LemonadeCucumber Juice

The watery vegetable comes with high contents of Vitamin B. A glass of cucumber juice helps losing weight, flush out toxins and keeps the human body hydrated.

CucumberCoconut Water

Coconut and its water is one of the most consumed item in the world especially in Asia and Caribbean. Due to its high fibre content, it helps in digestion process and reduces possibility of suffering from acidity.

CoconutPlum Juice

Plums contains nutrient which helps fight cancer and skin aging. The beverage is beneficial for the digestive system and keeps blood pressure level. It is also good for the bones and weight loss.

Plum-JuiceSugarcane Juice

It is highly beneficial for diabetics and is recommended for patients suffering from jaundice. It helps in relieving constipation and is rich in iron, protein, carbohydrates and several nutrients which makes it the ideal beverage for the summer.


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