FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Here is how surprisingly easy your posture can improve your mood

Bored all day sitting at office? Or get tired easily due to continuous typing on keyboard? Well, we might have an answer to the question that bugs you all along; What causes you to feel lethargic and unhappy when sitting all day long? The answer might be your posture!

It is evident that whenever you feel down, inactive or sad you tend to slouch and bend down at your seats. So, does this mean that sitting upright can make you feel happy? Yes! And a study conducted at the University of Auckland has proved that too.

The researchers gathered 61 individuals who had classic traits of mental illness, they were offered to do stressful tasks while being seated. After the research was over, the volunteers were split into two different groups – Improved Posture (IP) and Usual Posture (UP). The UP group was instructed to sit the way they do during their regular time, while the IP group was asked to sit up straight throughout the activities.

After thorough questioning before and after the tasks, researchers found out that the IP respondents were more happy, less tired and exuberant about their activities. This simply implied that sitting up straight makes you feel normal, satisfied and can be beneficial for your mood.

So if you want to stay active and enthusiastic all day long, stop hunching at your desks.

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