FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Dry skin and acne? Here is how to treat them!

Dry skin is the problem which has been existing for centuries and will keep on existing for another century or so! No matter what your skin type is, the impending winters is totally going to ruin it. But with proper care and nurturing, you can control the excessive breakouts your skin face. Here are some of the healthy methods through which you can achieve clear and spotless skin;

Take Care of Yourself:

While winters are rejoicing for those who have oily skin, it can be a worry for those who already have dry skin. In order to keep it spotless, you should keep on moisturizing your skin with goat milk and other essential oils. Refrain from washing your face frequently, during winters.

Proper Anti-Acne Products:

You may be using anti-acne products and they may turn out to be perfect, but with winter comes precautions. Use such medications which are not dry and are prescribed by the proper physician.

Massage Your Skin:

The best way to keep you skin healthy and alive is massaging your face for few seconds. This will give a kick to your skin, which in turn, will secrete minerals to glow your skin.

Beware With Exfoliation:

If your skin, apart from being dry, is also sensitive, exfoliate it with lactic acid peel. In case, your skin is not peeling and is a super dry version of itself then use fruit acid to restore its strength.

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