FHM Pakistan

Drama Industry: Taking taboo topics in account

Pakistan drama industry has moved away from the typical saas-bahu plotting and is now working towards the content making different yet meaningful stories. They have been used repeatedly to transmit sociocultural messages, by incorporating them into story lines. What was considered as inappropriate is now the topic of these stories. People would never speak about such problems but these dramas are encouraging them to break their silence. Taking social issues into account, dramas are becoming more focused on breaking social taboos. These stories have a tremendous effect on molding a mindset.  Each drama has a hidden message for the audience and if they understand, the society can definitely prosper.

In order to break all taboos, the drama industry has come up with some serious topics that have a very deep message and is affecting us all in some way or the other.

“Udaari” focuses on the deeply rooted problems in Pakistan such as child sexual abuse, false police involvements and negative political supports, in order to break the myths and taboos attached, which surround these issues by providing actual solutions to serious problems. Coming up with stories like this will encourage many to break their silence.

“Chup raho” revolves around a girl who is raped by her own brother in law but remains silent to save her sister’s marital life. After speaking up, gets thrown out of her house as husband leaves her too. Later gets rescued by a gentleman who takes care of her and marries her. Such a deep story may be a life lesson for some girls out there.

“Sammi” takes into account social issues in the rural areas. It revolves around the concept of Vanni and gender discrimination. The show highlights killings, forced marriages, and denial of property inheritance to women. Stories like these are very common in the rural areas where women are treated as an asset rather than a normal human being.

“Khuda mera bhi hai” revolves around a mother who gives birth to a transgender child for which she has to face many difficulties and challenges from both her family and society, where acceptance of the third gender remains a taboo. The mother does not give up as she protects her child in every way possible giving him the best life.

Now the real question here is, are there any positive outcomes? The TV shows are aiming to break taboos, messages are being delivered to thousands of people, convincing them to think differently and have a wider perspective of such situations. People are being forced into changing their mindsets and accepting the bitter reality. They are giving importance to the minorities, trying to end gender discrimination, honour killings, child abuse, rape BUT is it even making an impact, are people trying to understand the moral of these stories or are they ignoring the cause behind it all?

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