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Do you struggle at being a good friend?

Being a good friend isn’t easy but if you make an effort than surely you’ll have friendships that will thrive for a lifetime. Good friendships always bring out happiness and positivity. Friendships are built on mutual trust and support and you can always seek our new friends if you’re the one who they can refer to as “a good friend.”

  1. Be trustworthy and always keep your promises.

Don’t break your promises and don’t make one if you can’t keep it. If you commit to hanging out than don’t choose otherwise. If you do make sure to make it up to your friend. If there is any conflict than explain your part and resolve the problem. No one’s perfect and if you break a person once in a blue moon that make sure it doesn’t turn into a habit otherwise they’ll view you as an untrustworthy person. Breaking persons do break friendships.

  1. Be dependable.

If you’re a dependable friend than it’ll make you stand out among your friends. Whenever they need support especially during life crisis or hard times they will also remember and turn to you. Remember if you’re not a dependable person than no one would want to be your friend. It’s really difficult to rely on someone who isn’t consistent or trustworthy. If you’re one of those who promises but doesn’t help or show up than know it will result in losing friends and your friendships will be eroded. Be honest to your friends and that will also go a long way.

  1. Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.

If you want your friends to trust you and have faith in you than remember you should be the one owning up to your mistakes, don’t deny your mistakes. At first even though your friends won’t be happy but they will forgive you when you apologize. They’ll be pleased and you friendship will not be affected. However, if you let your ego come in between than know that you can’t blame it on someone else. Make sure when you apologize it’s real and sincere.

  1. If you want to disagree with your friend than do it gracefully.

There is a respectful and particular manner in which you can disagree with your friend. Don’t disrespect them, everyone has differences in their opinion and that’s okay. Let your friend know why don’t you agree with them or why do you think the other way. There is no need for physical or verbal aggression and it’s normal to feel those things but it’s easier to control them and respond in a respectful manner. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

  1. Be a good listener.

Don’t try to cut their conversation and don’t ignore them. If you interrupt while they’re talking than apologize and try to understand their perspective. Say “I am sorry to cut you, you were saying.” Listening always helps overcome any barriers between you two and it will always reflect the care you have for your friend. You can always continue talking once they are finished. Have a balance and be wise. Don’t be arrogant and act over-smart.

  1. Give thoughtful advice.

You need to understand your friend’s situation by being in their shoes and then provide your opinion. Don’t judge your friend at all and advise them whenever they call you or reach out to you. Don’t be greedy and be respectful. Allow them to vent whenever they need it and then give your opinion. Always wait till you feel like they need your advice. Keep their problems to you, there is a reason why they came to you not anyone else.

  1. Stay in touch

As years pass by, friendships fall apart and people grow apart. You need to make sure you stay connected with your friends even if they switch cities or countries, this shows your care and love for your friend and they will be happy to hear from you. Have video call sessions with your friends and keep up with their time zone and routine.

These are general guidelines to follow for friendships to thrive. If you follow these you’ll definitely be in good books and a sincere friend.



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