FHM Pakistan
Editor's Picks

Did someone really lose a Nikkah Namah in their Careem ride?

Whenever we hear stories from people who forgot something in a restaurant or office, we think of things like mobile phones, chargers, water bottles and other daily essentials. 

When it comes to the local taxis and auto-rickshaws, there is nothing much you can do about it – it’s mostly finders keepers! By the time you realize that you have left something, the driver has already gone to pick up the next passenger. Sometimes you do find these things (if you are lucky enough) but most of the time, you don’t. 

If we were to compile the list of things people are most likely to leave behind, we would think that grocery or shopping bags, mobile phone accessories and smaller jewellery items like rings, bracelets or earrings would top the list. 

That was exactly what we found when we reached out to the team at Careem and they were kind enough to share a list of things people have forgotten after a ride, and have managed to retrieve, either by Captains’ honesty or by customers contacting their 24/7 helpline. As per the data shared, more than 1200 customers have found their belongings back so far this year, which honestly wouldn’t have been even imaginable if it were not for their proactive social media and customer care teams. 

However, the list we received gave us pretty good insights into what people are most likely to forget during the week and we also found a few extremely bizarre items that surprised us. Check out the list below.

1. Electronic gadgets (including mobile phones, chargers, laptops and smartwatches, and power banks) – the most expensive items on the list are the most commonly forgotten items as well. Mobile phones and other tech items have become such essential parts of our lives that we can’t even think of leaving our homes without them. 

2. Keys – Who else remembers standing at the front door having forgotten the keys and waiting for your sibling to come to your rescue? 

3. Cash, wallet or credit/debit cards – That feeling of a mini heart attack when you can’t find your wallet or credit card in your pockets? We have all been there.

4. Grocery or shopping bags –  Imagine spending hours in line to buy those groceries only to forget one bag in a car. 

5. Files and documents – Who uses papers today anyway? 

6. Glasses, caps or watches – Another item that we were expecting to be on the list of most commonly forgotten items 

7. Jewellery – Damn, that’s gotta hurt. We hope it wasn’t real gold… 

8. Baby stroller – thankfully, this time there was no baby in it.

9. Shoes and dirty socks – It’s never a good idea to take off your dirty socks anywhere in public and you know why.  

10. Our personal favourite was a Nikkah Namah – We don’t want to know what happened after that… 

It’s safe to say we are extremely forgetful and it could be because of the daily hustle and fast-paced lives we live but we hope this list gave at least a heads up to the readers as to what to look for before leaving the restaurant, a public library or even your daily Careem ride. 

You may thank us later!

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