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Developing Resilience

Physical fitness is considered an essential because when you look good, you feel good. However, there is no emphasis on having a strong mind. Why is that so? If you’re fit mentally, then I believe life is easier to waiver through. 

Here are 6 ways to help you develop a strong mindset. 

  1. There are times that your old life may have to fall apart only to make way for newer, better and wiser things. Don’t hesitate to embrace the change. 
  2. Face your fears. You cannot spend your life being afraid of speaking out or taking risks. The fear of failure is often the reason to failure. 
  3. Confront your emotions positively. Identify what triggers you and find ways to resolve those negative emotions. 
  4. Practice gratitude. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, shift your focus on all the blessings. 
  5. Learn to say “NO”. The concept of boundaries is not understood by many. Practice self care by indulging in conversations or gatherings that add value to your life. 
  6. Be in the moment. No worry about the past can change it and no anxiety about the future will improve it. Live life to the fullest. 

Mental strength is a choice that would assist us to take charge rather than leaving things as they are. Becoming mentally strong would never be easy but – “Champions are never born from a bed of roses.” 

Until next time.

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