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Detox Green Smoothie!

You need nutrients to enter your body on everyday basis and for that you need to eat fruits and vegetables as they are full of vitamins and iron. However, there are people like me who can not tolerate fruits and finds it a challenge to eat vegetables. This is why smoothies full of fruits and veggies will not only be quick for me to absorb all the fibres but will also keep my digestive system balanced and will stop my blood sugar level from shooting up.

A green Smoothie will also help fasten up the toxins and metabolism in our body because the more we consume green veggies, the more energy we get and it clears up system in a matter of seconds. Moreover, the best time to have your smoothie is in the beginning of your day! before you start your day and jump onto your everyday routine doing chores, its better you are fresh, active and healthy! Though you can also have a smoothie before and after you do a workout because it will make you energetic, and all boosted up to workout and also make you relaxed on the other hand after a workout.

After getting to know so much about green smoothies, aren’t you craving for one already? I AM! Let me drop below a quick small recipe for a green smoothie so you can hop onto your kitchens and start making it..



  •    Take 1 cup spinach
  •  1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup Almond milk
  • 1 whole frozen Banana

Get all your ingredients in a juicer blender and crush it for maximum 1 min, when everything is blended and crushed properly you can then pour your ready green smoothie in a mason jar and DETOX YOURSELF!

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