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Depression in Celebrities: A Shared Struggle

Depression and suicide are topics that are unfortunately not new, and they are certainly not exclusive to any one profession, including the realm of celebrity. We often hear about these tragic deaths in celebrity circles, but the truth is, they affect people across various lines of work, from boxers, designers, politicians, to writers, actors, musicians, and entrepreneurs.

What Pakistani society needs to grasp is that the human brain is an organ, just like any other part of the body. The crème-de-la-crème of our world, with their immense skills, wealth, and fame, can suffer from mental health issues or become overwhelmed, leading them to make tragic decisions like ending their own lives. This is a harsh reality that we need to confront.

Many people don’t realize that depression is a treatable condition. Often, individuals who are struggling with depression do not reach out for support, and many who die by suicide also have an underlying mental or emotional disorder, with depression being one of the most common. Celebrity deaths remind us that no one, regardless of their status or fame, is immune to the challenges posed by depression and its dark companions: isolation, emptiness, heartbreak, and hopelessness.

The misconception that celebrities “have it all” makes people wonder why they would take their own lives when they seemingly possess everything. However, the truth is, depression knows no material possessions or fame; it affects anyone, including those in the spotlight.

Depression is an insidious disorder, often hiding behind the façade of a smiling face. It cripples individuals, erodes their happiness, and eats away at their sense of well-being. Even though someone is famous, it doesn’t shield them from this emotional torment.

The alarming part is that it often appears easier for people to express sorrow over a celebrity’s death than to reach out to those in their immediate circles who may be struggling with similar issues. But what we must remember is that every smiling face doesn’t necessarily equate to inner happiness.

Celebrities are not immune to depression, and many have battled it privately. Take, for instance, Big B, who experienced depression when his career took a downturn in the mid-’90s. Despite facing bankruptcy, he managed to rebuild his career and emerge as one of the biggest stars in the Bollywood film industry. Similarly, Princess Diana endured loneliness and depression during her life as a royal. Her struggles with postpartum depression and an eating disorder were widely reported, but she received little emotional support from her new family.

In addition to these high-profile examples, depression affects countless individuals worldwide. For every suicide, an estimated 20 more people who grapple with depression, anxiety, or other forms of psychological pain contemplate ending their lives. It’s crucial to address mental health openly and compassionately, as early intervention and support can save lives.

If you suspect someone you know may be contemplating suicide, do not hesitate to ask them about it. Raising this difficult topic does not increase their risk of acting on those thoughts, and it doesn’t make you responsible for their actions. What you can do is ask the tough questions, help them find support, and do your best to keep them safe.

Depression remains a misunderstood and stigmatized issue in Pakistani society, and breaking down these barriers is essential to ensuring that people receive the help and support they need.

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