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Fashion & Lifestyle Health & Fitness Lifestyle Skin care

Dealing With Dry Skin

Dry skin is a result of when your skin does not get enough moisture. This usually happens when there is excessive use of soaps, lack of water intake or some people have it as a result of skin condition. Anyone who has dry skin knows how hard it is to deal with dry skin especially, during this weather. 

These are few things you can do in order to help your skin cope up with dryness: 

  • The most basic, but Drinks lots of water! 
  • Use a humidifier whilst sleeping 
  • Avoid using powder make-up products, switch to cream products 
  • Continuously moisture your skin! No time, no routine! Just moisturise ! 
  • Try using fragrance free products. 
  • Excessive showers/bath!! They are the worst for you, long showers take off the layer of natural oils off of your skin causing them to dry.  

It’s very important to maintain a healthy skin as it is what acts as a barrier and prevents bacterias and viruses from getting in to your skin. Hence, make sure you drink ton of water and incorporate a good moisturiser into your routine. 

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