FHM Pakistan

Deadly Diet Sins!


Do you feel lethargic or lazy while dieting? Or your hunger pangs makes you cranky? Such symptoms are seen when you make common food mistakes.. Though these mistakes can easily be fixed and for that we have tips to avoid the deadly diet sins.

Say No To Light Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day which needs to be  full of nutritions. Add protein to your brekky like eggs, baked beans or cheese to your toast to make yourself feel full.


More Veggies For Lunch

Salads and vegetables contain water and dietary fibre which helps you to bulk up your diet and keep you full. Light protein food won’t do wonders so it is advisable to eat carrot, celery or capsicum to snack on with lunch.


Go Easy With Coffee

Just because it makes you active at work doesn’t mean you go all crazy with coffee. Consume a controlled amount of coffee because too much milk and sugar will become excessive kilojoules we do not need.


Dinner Till 8

Body needs to have 10-12 hours without food overnight for body-weight regulation and appetite control. Due to the busy lifestyles and long commutes we usually don’t keep track of the time. But it is better to maintain a habit of eating dinner till 8PM otherwise you may snack on soups or salads after 8.


Take Your Time While Eating

Fast eating leads to over-consumption of the food. Spend atleast 20 minutes to enjoy your meal . Studies have shown that you can eat up to 500KJ less per meal simply by slowing down. So i assume this can be that motivational kick to eat slowly.


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