FHM Pakistan

Dear 2022..

Dear 2022,

Like so much else in life, you were not just one thing. You were not just grief, or sorrow, or pain. You were not just joy or growth or euphoria. You certainly did not magically produce a “new me” but you did carve a path on which I continued walking towards the me I feel I truly am. You contained nights where I didn’t think I could forge onwards, miraculously met by mornings that broke the dark and somehow, brought hope. 

For this I am grateful. You were more than a list scribbled on a post-it note haphazardly at the stroke of midnight, thrown together simply because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. You were tiny moments of contentment, stacked on top of one another and multiplied to create an abundance of light and joy that I cling to as I bid you adieu. I wish not to slam the door on you but to close it gently and step softly into my next chapter with lessons in hand and gratitude in heart.

Onto 2023. 

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