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Music is indeed food for the soul and takes us into a new world of serenity and peacefulness. Amid the chaotic era of Covid when the entire world was going through a dark phase, AdeelBasheer Baloch and his team including Sheraz Ali came up with the idea of a new music show. Crystal Records Live is a music-based television show which brings together well-established and emerging bands of Pakistan with myriad of musical influences from contemporary rock, pop, hip hop to traditional folk, classical, sufi, ghazal, filmi and bhangra music.

It came as a breath of fresh air breaking the dark streak of the depressing pandemic vibes, hence gaining an immense fan base and popularity right after going on air. The show came in with a great vision of providing emerging bands with an opportunity to share a platform with well-established music icons and showcase their talents to the digital world and hence reach to the masses. 

This year, the mission is to present the audience inside Pakistan and beyond with a well- crafted mixture of musical performances. The combination of traditional and contemporary genres covers audiences from the barren deserts of Baluchistan to the high mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan while the sizzling touch of filmy genre is expected to bring a massive flow of audience from India and Bangladesh.

The star of the show were Nehaal Nasim and Soch Band whose mesmering numbers where just beyond the aesthetic of music and hits you right in the heart. Song – Thodi Der by Soch theBand is composed and written by Adnan Dhool. Music is also produced by Adnan Dhool along with Rabi Ahmed who has also rocked the song by hitting the right cords of the guitar. The song is a perfect blend of Sufi Folk backed by soulful lyrics in Punjabi hence adding a traditional touch. The light beats of the drum give a pop of excitement to the song and keeps the listener engaged for the entire 5 minute and 24 seconds. 

Having said that, another song that captured our hearts with its melodious beat and soul touching lyrics was  Siskiyon mein by Nehaal Naseem. Composed by Adeel Bashir Baloch, written by Fatima Najeeb and produced by Sherry Khattak, the song surely hits the spot. As soon as the song appears on screen it opens with the perfect dreamy theme of cloudy fog sending us in a fantasy world of our own. The cherry on the top is the heart warming vocals of Nehaal Naseem that is simply a treat for the music fans. All clad in black outfits perfectly blend with the theme, the lyrics will touch your soul and take you in a world of fantasy and romance. I need not say more because the judge is indeed your heart that would definitely want to hear it not once but repeatedly. 

The target audience of the Crystal Records Live includes socio-economic class A, B and C. The show is showcasing well-established bands and artists ranging from Umair Jaswal, Soch the Band, Uzair Jaswal, Natasha Baig, Abdullah Qureshi to theKarakoram band, Kohi Band, Sheraz & Arif, Abid Brohi with Urooj Fatima, Omer Shahzad with Virsa khan, Nehaal Nasem and more.

So what are you waiting for click the link:  https://www.youtube.com/c/CrystalRecordslive and indulge in a soulful experience!

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