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Who did it best? New Year Eve’s celebrations around the world

The entire world celebrated New Year with all the zeal and zest you can expect from the fun lovers. As soon as the clock struck 12, fireworks emblazoned the night sky with celebrations like never before.

Owing to the tremendous celebratory events held through the globe, Fairfax Media released this video depicting the glimpse of jollification of the New Year’s Eve.

Without any doubt, Auckland- Newzealand, known for its nightlife and never ending parties stood at the top, followed by Sydney, Australia. Other names in the list include; Hong Kong (Southeastern China), Taipei (China), Pyongyang (North Korea), Baghdad (Iraq), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Moscow (Russia), Giza (Egypt), London (United Kingdom), Berlin (Germany), Paris (France).

Last but not the least, what joyfully startled us the most? Karachi actually made it to the list, and that too on a prestigious position! YES!! It seems that we are finally reaching to that international standard of celebrations and fun.

Regardless, let’s wish that this New Year turns out to be a prosperous and golden year for Pakistan, in terms of achievements and success.

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