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These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!

Depression is an illness, a disease! But, in our society it is considered disrespectful to share about it. It should and must be treated the way other problems are. However, it cannot be disappeared magically and dealing with it can be some serious, painful business.

But, when people support you, life becomes much easier and peaceful. These wonderful artistic illustrations by Colleen Butters shows what depression is and how dealing with it feels like. These optimistic comics will live you happy.


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!


These Comics Perfectly Summarize What Depression Is?!

Fight with it. You are powerful, strong and have every right to live your life peacefully. Get over it. Learn from the struggles of your life and grow with each passing day. Don’t let that smile falter off your face.

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