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Christian Bale Currently In Talks To Join The MCU In ‘Thor: Love And Thunder’

The DC and Marvel universes are about to meet again and this time, it’s the crossover we’ve been dreaming of! Well… Kinda…

According to Collider, Oscar winner Christian Bale is currently in talks to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

The actor who previously portrayed the Dark Knight in the Christopher Nolan adapation of Batman, is said to be in discussion to join Chris Hemsworth in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder.

As of now, no confirmation has been made about the possible casting but fans are ever hopeful that it will happen.

Taika Waititi is set to return to direct the Thor: Ragnarok sequel which has been slated to begin production in mid-2020.

If Christian does join the Thor cast, this will be his first comic book movie since 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises.

While the actor’s involvement has not yet been confirmed or revealed, fans are excited and already planning/suggesting ways for Christian to join the MCU.


Joining Marvel? Please dont get our Hope’s up

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INTERLUDE : SHADOW ????@min_astugD

I would love to see in @Marvel Universe his LEGENDARY performance as batman was breathtaking @DCComics I really hope he gets a great casting in Thor.

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Sophisticated Junglee@soph_junglee

If gains enough upper body weight and loses enough from his lower body, he could play Thor’s hammer in

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Jason Aaron


You know who’s got my vote. “Who Is Christian Bale Playing in THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER?” https://comicbook.com/marvel/2020/01/06/who-is-christian-bale-playing-in-thor-love-and-thunder-/ 

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Jake Kern@Jakeskern

Marvel and Fiege are masters at taking classic comic storylines and adapting them to work in modern movies. would be able to put a fascinating twist on Gorr.

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Twitter is sleeping on this possibility

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The Brandalorian


what if Christian Bale is just Thor’s trainer to get him back in shape

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Kenneth A. Colón@KennethAColon

As long as he also just so happens to be Beta Ray Bill

Ricardo Lundi@ricardodpm

I like it.

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I’m ready to have this conversation

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Travis Wladkowski@The_5th_Turtle

Batman & Thor?! Together? Whaaaaaaaaat?! That sounds so awesome

See Travis Wladkowski’s other Tweets

We’re totally onboard with Batman and Thor in one movie!

What are your thoughts on Christian’s possible casting in Thor: Love and Thunder? What role do you think he’ll play?

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