FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze


I think childhood memories is the best part of our lives. Life as a child is always way better than the life as an adult. As a child we get to experience a lot of new things. These sort of childhood memories are long lasting forever. We all remember our favorite moments and time of childhood. We all have good and bad childhood memories. I remember when I was a kid, my favorite part was to spend as much time as possible at my Nani’s place. There I used to have so much fun with my cousins and my other maternal side relatives. The funny and silly incidents that took place when were kids. Playing outside with friends, cycling, night stays at cousin’s place, doing silly things, playing pranks on our siblings, playing in mud, going to the zoo in vacations, we have all grown up so fast no ?

We do miss our childhood more now after growing up because life as a child was so care free, full of happiness, tension free, no regret of anything or anyone. The things or lessons we learn as a child stays in mind and heart with us for lifetime. It gives us the strength to live positive life in tough situations.

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