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‘Child Safety’, SOC Film’s video highlights the importance of saying no

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Two-time Academy Award winner has released the fourth and final part from her animated series, Shattering the Silence.

While Growing up, we’ve all been told to not trust everyone, not engage with strangers or take anything from anyome; while parents even today give instructions to their children, it is now time to broaden them a little.

‘Child Safety: Ways to Protect Yourself’, SOC Film’s video highlights the importance of saying no, aiming to create a consequential discourse related to issues of child abuse.

The video opens with a focused group discussion led by Dr. Maryam Suheyl, comprising entirely of children where she highlights the understanding and perspective of child abuse.

At the start of the discussion, Dr. Maryam simply talks about protecting ourselves, such as looking at both sides of the road while crossing it. The conversation then turned into the issue of good-bad touch, understanding one’s own personal space and respecting the same of others and how to navigate through tricky situations such as stranger danger.

Shattering the Silence is a 4-part animated series in Urdu, featuring real-life stories regarding child abuse, which is a lot more rampant that we think it is, and more often than not, it is harder to detect.

This is primarily because of the absence of important conversations and sometimes, a lack of trust between the children and the guardian. When children are not made aware about things like abuse and different kinds of touch, they are unprepared to handle any such situation, which is why Sharmeen’s film is a must watch for teachers, parents and kids.

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