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Change is the only force that is constant!

There are times in life when we may feel situations are not unravelling in the way we expect them to. We question ourselves, our pace, our worth so that we can find a reason to justify what we think may be missing from our lives.

The only mistake we as humans make is that we forget to acknowledge our transitional phases and regard them as ‘life being unfair’. We get caught up in the chase, the stress, the pressure and forget to take a moment to reflect on ourselves and appreciate our own efforts of how far we may have come.

It is instances as such, which are essential to take into consideration and remind ourselves to remain grounded. It is vital to learn to embrace the chaos and the changes we come across rather than allowing it to create conflicts and escalate into an emotional situation that may be out of our control.

In this way, we eliminate stagnant old habits and make room for positive new ones. It is worth nothing, once we get rid of character traits that don’t serve a purpose anymore, we create space for bigger and better opportunities which can prove to be beneficial for our growth.

This is what I have learnt during adverse times and moments where we are unable to see the light in the darkness. However, stay true to your growth and be open to changes, no matter how scary it might be. After all, nothing grows in comfort zones and change is the only thing that is constant!

Until next time.

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