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Celebrities who took fitness to overcome their worst fear of lives


Be it Hollywood, Bollywood or our Pakistani celebrities, everyone goes through some phase in life which they considered their worst fear of lives.

Here are celebrities who took fitness to overcome their fear in lives

 Deepika padukone


The actress who is topping the Bollywood shocked the nation when she opened up about her battle with depression in 2015. The actress emphasised on how being engaged in sports helped her combat her darkest times.

Robert Downy, Jr 


The man behind Iron Man to Sherlock Holmes spent the late 1990s and early 2000s addicted to drugs and spent his energy going in and out of rehabs. He took to Wing Chun-a style of martial arts that was practiced by Bruce Lee that made him stay well and focused

Jennifer Aniston


She certainly has a wholesome image these days, but it wasn’t too long ago that Jennifer Aniston managed to kick the butt in 2012. She believes yoga was instrumental in helping her stay off nicotine.

Daniel Radcliffe


Radcliffe is a living testimonial to many physical and emotional disabilities. The actor began drinking to battle his demons but it got so serious that he had to cope with it. He now sticks to a strict rule, which includes running and gyming.

Emotions are pretty common and typically pass by the time but depression can still be a serious issue that often requires some kind of treatment, so do things which you enjoy. Simple activities like watching sports with a friend, having a soak in the bath, or meeting up with friends for coffee can all improve your day.





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