FHM Pakistan
Launches & Events

CBMUN’17 is bringing something worth the wait

You may have been wondering what MUNs are, since they are very à la mode amongst the youth. Put simply, MUN stands for Model United Nations. It is an imitation of a series of sessions in United Nations where students represent various countries as their respective ambassadors and debate upon a specific problem affecting the international community. A prominent aspect of a MUN is that the emphasis is not only on the debates alone but also on how official debates are conducted, what rules and procedures are to be followed and what formalities are required to be fulfilled in order to proceed with the committee. An MUN provides the chance to be familiar with the given international topic and to bind your skills, as it demands meticulous research, the art of diplomacy and a high level of public speaking skills. The ultimate goal of an MUN is to pass a draft resolution, approved and voted by the majority, where possible solutions regarding the given issue are laid down with a proper set of instructions and framework.

CBMUN'17 is all set to make a unique standout this year

It is vital to know that a MUN is not only an academic learning practice but also a entertaining one. After the extensive debating sessions, participants eagerly await the socials. These usually include concerts, festivals, Beach trips, official dinners and other various events. Socials play an important role in attracting the viewers; however, the exclusive purpose of the socials is to promote the social interaction within the participants.

After the quick spread of MUNs, few are known for their undeniably high standards. Among them, CBMUN has always confirmed its place on the list. CBMUN, which is an upcoming MUN is going to be held at IoBM, respected for its high-quality of debates, CBMUN will, as always, be filled with lively socials, eminent guest speakers, and beautiful committee rooms beyond all expectations as they have never failed to excite. A standard MUN lasts three days but this year, CBMUN has decided on making it a four day event. It is supposed to be extra special this year, as it can be seen from the socials they have announced (the Sabri brothers and Umair Jaswal have been officially stated in their social) let’s see what’s next.

CBMUN'17 is all set to make a unique standout this year

CBMUN'17 is bringing something worth the wait

IoBM is considered as one of the best business institutes in Pakistan and certainly one should expect nothing less than the very model of perfection and competence in their events which are their fundamental values on which the whole institution is founded upon.

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