UncategorizedZAYN MALIK AND GIGI HADID SEPARATED?Husna AhmedNovember 5, 2021November 5, 2021 by Husna AhmedNovember 5, 2021November 5, 2021 Six years later, Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik are probably over again. But this time, there seems to be a more difficult reason to suspect...
UncategorizedShehryar Munwar speaks up about recent controversy regarding Nawaz Ul Din SiddiquiMoona LaghariNovember 4, 2021November 4, 2021 by Moona LaghariNovember 4, 2021November 4, 2021 A video of Pakistan’s outstanding actor Sheheryar Munawar stroking the feet of ace actor Nawaz Ul Din Siddiqui went popular on the internet a few...
UncategorizedWAQAR ZAKA INVITES INDIAN CELEBRITIES TO PAKISTANHusna AhmedNovember 3, 2021November 3, 2021 by Husna AhmedNovember 3, 2021November 3, 2021 While Bollywood supports the Diwali star, India’s ruling party, the BJP, has backed NCB in its efforts to put Aryan in prison. The Indian courts...
UncategorizedPerfect Cardigans For WintersHusna AhmedNovember 1, 2021November 1, 2021 by Husna AhmedNovember 1, 2021November 1, 2021 It’s time to get out our coziest sweaters and cardigans now that fall has arrived. Having a go-to cardigan is ideal for relaxing around the...
UncategorizedWHY IS TURKEY THE BEST HOLIDAY DESTINATIONHusna AhmedNovember 1, 2021November 1, 2021 by Husna AhmedNovember 1, 2021November 1, 2021 Clear waters, high mountains, ruins of the ancient empire, small idyllic villages, huge international cities-there are many reasons to stay in Turkey. Here we will look at...
UncategorizedBenefits of Black CoffeeHusna AhmedOctober 31, 2021October 31, 2021 by Husna AhmedOctober 31, 2021October 31, 2021 Increase Awakening:When you are feeling drowsy, a cup of coffee may be your best awakening call. Caffeine is a smart way to overcome the sensation...
UncategorizedJUSTIN BIEBER MUSIC JOURNEYHusna AhmedOctober 30, 2021October 30, 2021 by Husna AhmedOctober 30, 2021October 30, 2021 Beaver made a commercial success with his debut studio album My World 2.0 (2010), which debuted on the Billboard 200, and jumped to the top...
UncategorizedWhat is Brain Tumor disease?Sanaahmed6776October 29, 2021October 29, 2021 by Sanaahmed6776October 29, 2021October 29, 2021 The brain is a body organ composed of nerve cells and supportive tissues such as glial cells and meninges. It has three major parts that...
UncategorizedAryan Khan gets bailHusna AhmedOctober 29, 2021October 29, 2021 by Husna AhmedOctober 29, 2021October 29, 2021 Aryan Khan, who is the son of Shah Rukh Khan, was granted bail in a drug-related case on Thursday. Maliaka Arora, Sonam Kapoor, R. Madhavan...
UncategorizedAryan Khan’s Drug CaseSanaahmed6776October 28, 2021October 28, 2021 by Sanaahmed6776October 28, 2021October 28, 2021 “Shah Rukh Khan is one of India’s most recognisable human brands.The cruise drugs issue had an immediate impact on him, but it did not diminish...