Throughout your life, we may encounter toxic people be it a pessimistic family member, abusive partner, fake friend or manipulative co-worker and we must learn...
Wait. Waiting for a promotion. Waiting for a raise. Waiting for financial gains. Waiting for an unrequited lover. Waiting for success. Waiting for good things...
Start unfollowing Unfollow people who do not make you feel empowered, informed or inspired. Start writing Sometimes you just need to get out what’s on...
We often believe motivation is key to achieving success, however, I beg to differ. One needs self-discipline in life otherwise they will never be in...
Remember how we were mostly taught to learn things at school through repetition or memorisation? As adults, most of these techniques seem irrelevant as we...
People often assume striving for superiority is a sign of narcissism where a person is in constant search of boosting their self esteem without considering...