Hira Mani is a well-known actress who has established herself in recent years. Hira Mani has established herself as a well-known actress who continues to...
The iconic sports event will begin in September 2022 in China and feature PUBG MOBILE for the first time, giving the best players in Asia the chance...
Being the biggest online platform and the easiest food delivery portal in Pakistan; foodpanda has broken all records of leaving us amazed. Now, their team...
Khel Khel Main, starring Sajal Aly and Bilal Abbas, will be released on November 19th. Fizza Ali Meerza produced the film, and Nabeel Qureshi directed...
Karachi, November 09, 2021. Careem, the Super App for the greater Middle East and Pakistan, has recently appointed Haris Javed as the new Director of Marketing in Pakistan....
Likee, one of Pakistan leading short-video sharing platforms, has taken another game changing step to promote respective talent and passion amongst youth in the field....
Meera is a multi-talented Pakistani actress and humanitarian. She has perfected and persevered in her portrayals of a variety of characters, earning her the Pakistani...