Fashion & Lifestyle Featured Trending Now11 secrets: How to look like a supermodelAreeba SiddiquiSeptember 10, 2021September 10, 2021 by Areeba SiddiquiSeptember 10, 2021September 10, 2021 Who doesn’t want their pictures to look like supermodels? I mean, many of us think it’s not easy to achieve that however, it is not...
Fashion & Lifestyle Lifestyle Trending NowThe new wave: BB Glow Facial!Areeba SiddiquiSeptember 9, 2021September 9, 2021 by Areeba SiddiquiSeptember 9, 2021September 9, 2021 What if I told you there’s a way to get naturally glowing skin without having to wear any makeup and just glow all day? Moreover,...
Fashion & Lifestyle FeaturedMom jeans don’t belong to your mom!Heena FurqanSeptember 8, 2021 by Heena FurqanSeptember 8, 2021 We know it looks very late 90's and old fashioned when we see girls out here in wide - leg jeans (also known as; mom...
Fashion & Lifestyle Health & FitnessLong hair is a step away!Areeba SiddiquiSeptember 1, 2021 by Areeba SiddiquiSeptember 1, 2021 Hair health is so important and to maintain healthy, luscious locks does not come easy. For times like those, the best way to ensure your...
Fashion & LifestyleThe Keys to a Successful MarriageIsra ShamsAugust 31, 2021September 1, 2021 by Isra ShamsAugust 31, 2021September 1, 2021 Weddings are lots of fun with laughter and dancing, but being married isn’t always a bit of cake. Whether you’ve been married for years or...
Fashion & Lifestylemake lazy day dressing look goodFHM PakistanAugust 17, 2021 by FHM PakistanAugust 17, 2021 Contingent upon what sort of individual you are, track pants were once exclusively saved for the exercise centre or the lounge. Yet, how they are...
Fashion & Lifestyle Trending NowTwirl your curls! 9 tips you must try!Areeba SiddiquiAugust 11, 2021 by Areeba SiddiquiAugust 11, 2021 Hello, my curly haired lions, I know I know, being someone with curly hair means that you are constantly in the spotlight and being asked...
Fashion & Lifestyle Featured Grapevine Spotlight Trending NowInternationally known & recognized; only Deepak!Heena FurqanAugust 10, 2021August 10, 2021 by Heena FurqanAugust 10, 2021August 10, 2021 The pride of Pakistan, Deepak Perwani who is a fashion designer, a model and also an actor. A package in all, a talent we are...
Fashion & LifestyleMen’s treadwears you need to know in 2021FHM PakistanAugust 10, 2021 by FHM PakistanAugust 10, 2021 While the pandemic has put a pause on a lot of things, few specifics have managed to work out somehow and have evolved, though the...
Fashion & Lifestyle Trending NowBest bets from the experts – 7 tips to look younger!Areeba SiddiquiAugust 10, 2021August 10, 2021 by Areeba SiddiquiAugust 10, 2021August 10, 2021 There are many reasons why our skin may start to become dull and experience symptoms of ageing. We can’t control the natural process of life,...