FHM Pakistan

Bye Bye Cellulite.


Cellulite is considered one of the worst issues women are facing these days, trust me it’s worst than acne. Dieting, exercising and other ways or reducing cellulite seems to be a bit off now cause it just doesn’t provide you healthy results.

Since you have  been trying a lot of different things to reduce cellulite, you might want to try this one affective anti-cellulite product which can give you 100% results. We are talking about “Apple Cider Vinegar” which is rich in in magnesium, calcium, potassium and minerals that work up the circulation and helps in getting rid of the excess fluids from the body. It also helps against water and fluid retention around the stomach and thighs.


Simple way to use Apple Cider Vinegar is; Take one part of apple cider vinegar, mix it with two parts of water. Add some honey if you want and rub the mixture on the cellulite affected areas and leave it for 30 minutes. Later, wash it off with warm water. Repeat the procedure twice a day for better results. 


You can even rub the same mixture, then wrapping it with a plastic wrap and apply a warm towel over it. Let it stay for an hour, remove the wrap, wash it with warm water, feel the difference and thank me later 🙂

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