FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze


Sound of waves and birds chirping…Beach is the place where I love to go. I can spend days and days at the beach. It is seen as a place of relaxation because it is normally quiet and peaceful there. To look around you and see the beauty of mother nature at it’s finest. The majority of people you ask will say that it is one of their favorite vacation destinations. Not only for the beauty and relaxation but for the sheer entertainment. That is the three reasons I enjoy it as much as I do. I basically go to the beach to get away from all the troubles and get peace of mind. To feel the grainy sand all under your toes. To sit there under the sun feeling the warmth of it beating down on your skin. To know that if you get too hot that you only have to walk about ten feet down until you get into the brisk cool ocean, and feel instant relief from the blistering sun. Also to lay on a float in the ocean and just feel the ocean as you are a part of it. Not only to feel but to hear the waves is the ultimate relaxation.

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