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It safe for children to go back to school?

COVID-19 pandemic has made the life of parents and children difficult. The reopening of school is a positive and hopefully a welcome step, but still there are few questions in our minds. After a quite detailed examination of the situation by health and education ministers it was decided to resume classes from 18th January.

But is it safe for children to go back to school? It’s necessary for the schools to plan out and take additional measures to ensure the safety of students, teachers and staff. Going back to school after a long gap would definitely will be different.

It might also be possible that schools may reopen for a certain period of time and then might be close again temporarily, depending on the country’s situation.

Reopening of schools might be stressful due to sudden burden of exams and midterms. If midterm week is over, then you have assignments and projects lined up. But we need to BREATHE & RELAX. It is important for the teachers to establish a supportive, nurturing environment and positively respond to all questions and also make learning playful. And parents also need to show support and let their children know that it’s a new normal. Teachers being the frontline workers need to be appreciated and respected.

It is very important for schools to take action to minimize the spread of the virus because children containing virus can spread it to other children and adults. So implementation of SOPs can limit the spread of the COVID-19 so that schools and colleges can be physically safe for all.

Schools need to be well prepare if any students teachers, or others have symptoms of COVID-19 or are diagnosed with COVID-19. They must advise the staff members to isolate or quarantine.


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