Without a gym membership, many people feel lost when it comes to staying in shape as winter approaches. Skiing and ice hockey are great sports, but they can be costly and require a lot of training, traveling and planning. However, with a little creativity and some basic equipment it’s not hard, and can even be fun, to stay in shape all winter long.
Here are some low-cost ideas to keep fit outside the gym this season. If you need more of a challenge, use these tips to take it up a notch.
- Dress appropriately – remove clothing items as soon as you start to sweat, and don’t forget to layer up again during the cool down.
- Protect your head, hands, feet and ears – when it’s cold, blood flow is concentrated on your body’s core, leaving your head, hands and feet vulnerable.
- Stay hydrated – water is vital for overall health and immunity. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
- Get enough rest – get at least seven hours of sleep per night, your immune system will thank you by remaining cold free this winter.