Bollywood King Khan Shahrukh Khan’s latest Movie “Pathan” is an upcoming indian action thriller film directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Aditya Chopra. Shahrukh...
Bollywood Legendary Star Irrfan Khan was born on 7th of January, 1967. He is also simply known as Irrfan. He was an Indian actor who worked in Indian...
Syra Yousuf and Shahroz Sabzwari are two most well known celebrities of Pakistan. They have made their fame through their amazing acting skills and talent. They...
Bilal Abbas Khan is a Pakistani actor who primarily works in Urdu television. He made his acting debut with a supporting role in the religious drama Saaya-e-Dewaar bhi nahi...
In this generation, a lot of us are going through depression, overthinking, anxiety and various kind of related issues. 90 percent of the population is going...