Saboor Aly is a renowned Pakistani actress who has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry through her captivating performances on screen. Born...
Aishwarya Rai is an Indian actress, model, and former Miss World who has gained worldwide recognition for her beauty, acting skills, and philanthropic work. She...
Dayfresh partnered with Sehat Kahani, one of Pakistan’s most widely used digital healthcare platforms, to extend a helping hand and make healthcare services more readily...
BOL News has recently announced a major addition to its star-studded team of journalists and analysts. Political Scientist Syed Muzammil Shah has joined the popular news...
Imran Abbas is a talented actor and model hailing from Pakistan. Imran completed his education in architecture before he decided to pursue a career in...
Nida Pasha who is known more as Nida Yasir, is a Pakistani famous television host and also an actress. She is the daughter of television director and producer...