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Atif Aslam Faced Heavy Criticism On Twitter

The talented and famous Pakistani singer, Atif Aslam, who has sung many hit songs for Bollywood recently posted a tweet regarding the India atrocities on his Twitter.

Image result for atif aslam

He tweeted regarding the Indian government decision to revoke the special status to Jammu and Kashmir by scrapping Article 370. He said that he strongly condemns whatever is happening in Kashmir.

“Happy to share something very big with all of you. Inshallah I’ll be leaving soon for the most important journey of my life. Before departing for Hajj, I would like to ask for everyone’s forgiveness, be it fans, family, friends. Apologies for hurting anyone’s sentiments. kindly keep me in your prayers..”

This was further followed by him saying:

“Also I strongly condemn the violence and tyranny being conducted against the Kashmiris. May Allah bless lives of the innocent in #Kashmir and all over the world.”

Atif just tweeted what he actually felt, however, this single tweet backlashed and he faced a lot of criticism, especially from Indian fans.

Even though he received a lot of criticism, but some of his fans, mostly Pakistani supported him by tweeting:

The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi took a decision to repeal Article 370 of the constitution on August 5. Moreover, Article 370 was a part of the constitution which granted a special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

Looks like speaking the truth doesn’t really have good consequences after all!

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