FHM Pakistan

Artificial Sweeteners – Major reason for Infertility

There is no doubt that sugar is bad for health, but who knew it is worst when it comes to women. Without getting into the details of the problem, a strong suggestion to all the women hoping to conceive; boycott artificial sweeteners, if you want to experience mother-hood.

Researchers at the Federal University of Sao Paulo discovered that women who consumes ‘diet’ soft drinks on the regular basis, which are packed with artificial sweetener, have less chances of getting pregnant.

According to the research, 524 women were interviewed who were going through the IVF treatment, regarding their food and drink consumption. The results showed that low-calorie sweeteners; saccharin and sucralose reduced the fertility rate. While, the use of synthetic sugar in soft drinks and coffee caused the poorer quality of eggs and embryos.

According to Professor Balen, “This is a very interesting study that suggests the false promise of artificial sweeteners that are found in soft drinks and added to drinks, such as coffee, may have a significant effect on the quality and fertility of woman’s eggs and this may further impact on the chances of conception,”

Ladies, if you love yourself and you want to lead a healthy life, avoid sugar and sweeteners. Eat healthy and live well.

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