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Are you ready for the Holy month!

Ramadan is around the corner but are we just ready for it yet?  Have you ever gone through that cycle every year and wondered why is it difficult to stay motivated along the way, just to find yourself regretting it in the end? Many people misunderstand the true nature of fasting, and they make it an occasion for eating and drinking, making special sweets and staying up late at night and watching shows on satellite TV.

Start now to reflect on portions of the Qur’an to get closer to Allah and understand your responsibilities. Every single time you read the Qur’an, you will uncover more depths of meaning and benefit in this world and the hereafter.

The way to make sure you are not a confused mess during the first few days is to prepare a schedule to follow beforehand, Pen down your checklist of what you would like to achieve in Ramadan. By doing so, you are subconsciously recording it in your mind as well. Then, hang the checklist where you can see it each and every day. Shopping for Eid beforehand may just make your life a whole lot easier. With less time to eat in Ramadan, we really need to pay attention to what we eat. Now is the best time to research the nutritious value of the food we eat. In order to take full advantage of this holy month, we need to prepare ourselves spiritually, mentally and physically.

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