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Annoying things every boyfriend do, I am sure!

Being in a relationship is not that easy as it looks. No matter how adorable your boyfriend is, he will do plenty of things that are annoying and inexcusable. And things wont change even if you nag him all the time.
From not replying immediately to your messages to be extra cheesy, boyfriends can easily drive you nuts. Here are few things all boyfriends need to stop doing already:

1)  Keeping a check of everywhere you are going and whoever you are talking to:

2) Joking about sensitive things and then accusing you of “not being able to take a joke”:

3)  Always asking you to be honest and then not liking it:

4) Comparing your dressing sense with other girls:

5) Sending one-word replies to long, sensitive texts:

6) Just saying ‘nice’ when asked how you are looking!

7)  Making you wait for hours and coming up with lame excuses to cover it up:

8) Asking you to put his stuff in your purse:

9) Keep talking to him until he sleeps:

I would rather prefer to remain single, I guess….

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