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Aamir Liaquat becomes a part of A-PLus TV Networks?

Recently, Dr Aamir Liaqaut caused a great fury after leaving the self proclaimed “No.1 channel of Pakistan – Bol TV Network” after leading from the top. The senior anchor hosted the much talked about show “Aisay Nahin Chalay Ga”, resulting in great chaos with the names he talked against. Though Aamir Liaquat is known for his blunt speech and straight forward attitude, he claimed to be scripted throughout his span of hosting at the channel as he suddenly resigned stating to be leaving on a bad note.

Obviously, what we could only think of was where he would switch to next and the news might just have come about, and that too by the doctor himself. In a recent tweet, Aamir Liaquat took to twitter, announcing his first show to on-air in the channel we all surely had not expected – A-Plus TV Networks.

However, looking upon his tweets we are still wondering whether or not he has officially joined the channel or simply running a program on the auspicious night of 12 Rabiul Awwal. Well, all we can do is wait and have the announcement come as soon as possible.

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