It’s never just a sentence when you speak it out or when the other person says it to you. You must be wondering what’s so different or special about just a sentence? Well, nothing. A sentence is just as important as its impact on you.
Obviously, if you are feeling terrible and a person comes to you with a sentence which is full of negativity and bad outcomes; you will feel even more low than before, you won’t be able to function or get any better because that one sentence will definitely change your life like never before.
Why do we need to do that? What makes us so negative? Why can’t we keep positive approach towards everything. If there is a possibility to tell someone that the glass if half empty, why don’t we tell them that the glass is half full instead. It’s not like it means different but it for sure impacts differently on your life and it is so much better.

There are multiple sayings that we can refer to people just to make them feel better;
-We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
-Remember that failure is an event, not a person.
-The past has no power over the present moment.
-Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.
These 5 sayings are just an example how you can be positive towards people and leave a good print on people’s heart instead of being negative and taking part in their sadness. Please everyone, be nice to people and be nice to one another because it takes only a sentence to change one’s life forever with not a penny to cost!