FHM Pakistan
Launches & Events

A Night To Remember – Bvlgari Launch Event.


On February 20th 2016, elites, celebrities and socialites of K – town witnessed the captivating launch of Bvlgari Perfumes at Karachi Gymkhana hosted by Mr. Mohsin Feroze, CEO – Scentsation. The beautiful evening was attended by the finest people from corporate, fashion, film and drama industry.


The event had a small mezmerizing fashion presentation, hosted by Fia Khan, outfits provided by Moazzam Hussain Abbasi, hair and makeup by Eric Sen by JY Salon, model co-ordination and choreography done by Dr. Rana Asif and jewelery by Nazneen Tariq Khan. Models walked the ramp in a casual way, dancing to the beats of music, making it a night to remember followed by a rollicking party.

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Best wishes to Scentsation and Mr. Mohsin Feroze for brining the true definition of luxury to Pakistan.

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