FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

A man cooked an egg in scorching heat of Dubai streets

The weather in Dubai gets very hot, dry and humid, with temperature rising up to 45 degree Celsius. It’s literally unbearable to even stand outside on the road for more than 10 minutes.

However, a man took to the streets demonstrating how hot it is in Dubai:

In a video, we can see a man cooking egg on the streets of Dubai under the sun without a stove. He starts the video by informing us that the pan has been in the sun for 10 minutes. He then proceeds to add oil to the pan, break an egg and sprinkles it with salt, pepper. The egg cooks under a minute in the heat of the sun.

He ended the session by saying: “This is how we do it in Dubai. Sunny side up.. it’s ready”

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