In the past, women were typically associated with motherhood and Lady of the House. But things have changed recently. The role of women has finally undergone significant change as a result of the ongoing struggles over the decades, which resulted in the achievement of numerous milestones. Today’s urban women are in charge of their lives and can accomplish anything they set their minds to if they put their all into it. They are now more self-reliant and independent.

Freedom in an all encompassing way is fathoming and getting things done by your manner of thinking, however there is an obscured line of what ought to be and what is prevalently when it comes to a preferred gender.
The concept of being a wanderer might be approached from a feminist perspective for women.
A woman who is strong and independent is a sight to behold. In point of fact, God has given women strength over men. Women are portrayed as the eternal source of wealth, power, and wisdom in our scriptures.
Women who are independent are not born that way. They become mentally and emotionally stronger with each challenge they face. They are more adept at multitasking. With an increasing amount of education and information, they are breaking the stereotype of traditional female roles and perceptions by earning a living and taking complete care of their families.
In the event that she requires assistance, her pride does not stand in the way.

Most people don’t get it when we talk about independent women. However, there is a caveat when referring to independence. In my opinion, independence means freedom of thought, expression, and action—we women strive to make our home a place where everyone is free to unburden themselves—while others may only mean financial independence.
The women of Todays are just as capable as their male counterparts in every aspect of life. Education, a healthy environment, and easy access to information are the primary drivers of this liberation.
Together, let’s make sure the driving factors which are grooming independent women are in abundance so that we rebuild New Pakistan with equal rights with the same freedoms, where every woman is free and can protect herself and her family in any situation.