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A day without internet

Two decades ago life was so much simpler, people communicated with each other physically and no online texts or video calls. Having said that obviously the introduction of internet made the world a global village and shrunk distances. 

Now we are so used to the internet that it won’t be wrong to say we are slaves of the digital world. If the internet breaks down for even a few hours and entire day ceases people tend to get agitated and important activities are at a halt. 

Internet has its cons but pros and much more because it has made life faster and easier but can you imagine a day in your life without the internet. 

Recently we faced internet outage due to technical issue with the underwire cables in the Arabian Sea and we faced major issues with the internet services, even the mobile data services went down it went from 3G to E. 

Internet is not just used for reaction it’s compulsory so basic activities of life theses days. Huge business depend on the internet and face grave losses due to its degradation. Where the the pro is families came closer kids took time off from their cell phones and spent time with actual people around them yet to conclude internet is now the need of the day! 

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